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William Mountz | Director of Adult Degree Completion, Missouri Southern State University

William Mountz | Director of Adult Degree Completion, Missouri Southern State University

Current Position and Past Experience
William Mountz is the Director of Adult Degree Completion at Missouri Southern State University. In this role, he creates partnerships in his community and region with local businesses and industries that will provide adult students accessible, affordable, accelerated, and flexible degree and certificate opportunities that will help them with career advancement.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mountz earned his PhD in History from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also has a MA in History from Texas Tech University, and a BA in History and Journalism from Angelo State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Mountz is the President of Heartland Opera Theatre, a performing arts organization dedicated to foster, promote, develop, encourage, and broaden the artistic and cultural scope of the Midwestern Region of the United States by providing opera and musical theatre in its broadest sense, including the arts of drama, voice, symphony, dance and design. He also serves as a Commissioner on the Joplin Historic Preservation Commission.

You can connect with William Mountz on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review