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William Johnson | Student Success Navigator, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

William Johnson | Student Success Navigator, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Current Position and Past Experience
William Johnson is currently a Student Success Navigator and Life Design Catalyst Coach in the Life Design Catalyst Program in the School of Health and Human Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and has been in this position since 2007. He teaches life-altering classes such as What Could I Do With My Life, Redesign a Life You’ll Love, and Side Hustle 101. He is also the Co-Founder of the Life Design Institute and the Lead Facilitator of the Life Design Catalyst Training Program.

Under William’s leadership, he has significantly increased retention and graduation rates for students in the School of HHS, as well as empowered students to create meaningful academic, career, and life plans that lead to happy, healthy, and successful lives.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Johnson holds a Master of Science in Physical Education as well as a Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Parks Administration from the University of Delaware. In 2013, the LDC Program was recognized as a “Best Advising Practice” by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2018, the Program was recognized as an Outstanding Advising Program by the National Academic Advising Association.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Bill is a morning workout fanatic and relaxes by playing golf and tennis. Downtime is spent reading and curating new tools/recourses to empower people to lead meaningful lives.

You can connect with on LinkedIn or on his blog

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed