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Author Profile

William Gough | Vice Principal Academic and Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough

William Gough | Vice Principal Academic and Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough

Current Position and Past Experience
William Gough was appointed Vice Principal and Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC) in July 2016. In this capacity, Dr. Gough oversees academic, faculty and administrative decisions while providing leadership in academic programming. He works closely with the Principal, the Provost, and Tri-Campus Units on academic direction and policy, ensuring that U of T Scarborough’s academic activities align within the broader context of the University of Toronto. Prior to his appointment as Vice Principal and Dean, Dr. Gough served as Interim Vice Principal Academic and Dean, Vice-Dean of Faculty, and Vice Dean of Graduate Education and Program Development. In addition to these roles, Dr. Gough served as a Governor on U of T’s Governing Council Executive and Elections Committees, as well as chairing UTSC’s Campus Council. In addition to teaching numerous graduate and undergraduate classes at U of T’s Scarborough and St. George campuses, Dr. Gough has served on various university committees, including the Tri Campus Geography Council, the Concurrent Teachers Education Program and Joint Programs with Centennial College. He was instrumental in developing graduate program that are locally administered at UTSC and pioneered combined degree programs at the University of Toronto linking undergraduate programs to professional graduate programs. Dr. Gough is a leading researcher in climate change impact assessment focusing on the Eastern Arctic, southern Ontario, and the tropics.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Gough earned his PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at McGill University in 1991. He holds an MSc in Physics from the University of Toronto and a BSc in Physics from the University of Waterloo. In 2011, the Canadian Association of Geographers Ontario Division recognized Dr. Gough for his Services to Geography, particularly citing his mentorship of graduate students. He is also the recipient of the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Faculty Teaching Award, the SCSU Teaching Award and the Canadian Association of Geographers Excellence in Teaching Award.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Gough enjoys travelling the world, a passion he shares with his wife and 12-year old son. He is an avid reader and a big fan of the works of Jane Austen.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review