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Wes Torain | Director of Public Relations and Digital Media, Calhoun Community College

Wes Torain | Director of Public Relations and Digital Media, Calhoun Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Wes Torain is currently Director of Public Relations and Digital Media at Calhoun Community College. He brings more than thirty years of experience in broadcasting, journalism, public relations, and multimedia production, and will oversee the College’s marketing efforts.

For the last 18-years, Torain has been employed at Calhoun and most recently served as the supervisor over the Calhoun Education Television (CETV) and Digital Media department. Before Calhoun, he spent 17 years with American Family Broadcasting and Raycom Media at their local NBC affiliate station WAFF. His work also includes media contract for The History Channel, ESPN, Auburn University, The Alabama Hospital Association, Nucor Steel, The U.S. Department of Agriculture, ConAgra, The Farm Service Agency, and many others.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Torain majored in Telecommunications at Alabama A&M University and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Athens State University. He holds several certifications in Digital Media Editing and Special Effects from AVID Technology at SCAD.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Torain is an active member of the community and has served on numerous boards, which include the American Red Cross Community Board, The Princess Theatre for Performing Arts Board, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, Alabama A&M Alumni Association, and is the current president of the Tennessee Valley School Alumni Association.

You can connect with Wes on LinkedIn

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