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Author Profile

Veronique Zimmerman-Brown | Project Director for GEAR UP, University of Alabama Birmingham

Veronique Zimmerman-Brown | Project Director for GEAR UP, University of Alabama Birmingham

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Veronique Zimmerman-Brown is the project director for the newly awarded GEAR-UP Alabama Grant. She oversees services and activities to empower over 9000 Black Belt Regional students along with their parents and teachers. Previously, she was a faculty member at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Department and a consultant for Birmingham City Schools and Shelby County Schools.

Before her tenure in higher education, she was a high school math teacher with Shelby County Schools, where she also served as the department chair. She started her teaching career in the Montgomery Public School District and was the Educational Director for the Montgomery Boys and Girls Club.

Dr. Zimmerman-Brown has presented at numerous national and state conferences and for many school systems covering topics on proper special education inclusion practices, collaboration and co-teaching, instructing and servicing English Language Learners, building professional learning communities, evaluating school climate, teacher self-efficacy, and making data-driven decisions to improve student/faculty performance and school climate/culture.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Zimmerman-Brown holds teaching certifications in math education, collaborative special education, English as a Second Language, and School Administration (Alabama State University, University of Montevallo, University of Alabama at Birmingham). She received her PhD in Educational Leadership with a minor in Innovative Instructional Leadership (University of Alabama at Birmingham & University of Alabama).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Zimmerman-Brown is an active member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

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