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Author Profile

Veronica Buckwalter | Senior Program Manager, Jobs for the Future

Veronica Buckwalter | Senior Program Manager, Jobs for the Future

Current Position and Past Experience
Veronica Buckwalter is Senior Program Manager at Jobs for the Future, where she designs and delivers technical assistance for national sector strategy initiatives across the workforce and education sectors. With over 10 years of experience in facilitating the alignment of workforce development strategies with industry needs and educational program offerings, Buckwalter provides partners with customized and contextualized labor market information to support data-driven policy and programmatic decision-making. Prior to joining Jobs for the Future in 2016, Buckwalter served as Director for Delaware Technical Community College’s Center for Industry Research and Workforce Alignment. From 2011 to 2012, she was Director of Workforce Initiatives at Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor & Industry, following her tenure as Director of Partnership Development at Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Buckwalter received a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She attained her Masters of Public Administration from Pennsylvania State University in 2009.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Buckwalter resides in north central Pennsylvania where she and her husband enjoy hiking and kayaking as well as cycling along the Pine Creek Rail Trail. They travel to northwest Montana frequently to vacation and plan to move there one day. She volunteers with the local Canine Search and Rescue team to help train canines for search and rescue situations in and around the PA Grand Canyon region. She adores and spoils her two fur babies, Reno, a six-year old Boxer/Collie rescue, and Luna, a 6-month old Beagle/Aussie rescue.

You can find Veronica Buckwalter on LinkedIn and @VeronicaJFF .

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