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Author Profile

Vaughn Bicehouse | Assistant Professor, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

Vaughn Bicehouse | Assistant Professor, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

Current Position and Past Experience
Currently, Dr. Vaughn Bicehouse is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bicehouse spent 20 years in public education as: an inclusion teacher, general education teacher, emotional support teacher, learning support teacher, American civics teacher, and special education supervisor. For the past 10 years Dr. Bicehouse has been teaching future special educators how to teach at the collegiate level.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Bicehouse earned an Ed.D in Educational Leadership from Duquesne University School of Education and a B.A. in Social Studies – Education from Grove City College. In addition, he holds a B.S. and M. A. from Slippery Rock University in Special Education. Dr. Bicehouse earned a Supervisory Degree in Special Education from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Bicehouse is active in community service. He was elected and served 2 terms as Mayor of Connoquenessing, serves on community boards helping advocate for people with intellectual disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders, and works with local productions helping to make them sensory friendly and accessible to all.

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