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Author Profile

Tyson Schritter | Chief Operating Officer, Abound

Tyson Schritter | Chief Operating Officer, Abound

Current Position and Past Experience
Tyson Schritter is the Chief Operating Officer at Abound and Colleges of Distinction, college guidance systems for degree-seeking adults and traditional 4 years students, respectively. In his role as Chief Operating Officer, Tyson helps colleges and universities transform their brands by equipping them with marketing tools that highlight their greatness. Tyson has previously been the Chief Content Officer at Colleges of Distinction.

Prior to this, Tyson worked as Program Manager at Mercatus Center of George Mason University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tyson co authored the recently released “How to Elevate Your School’s Brand and Win Over Your Audiences” which is aimed at helping schools position themselves as the knowledgeable guide, so that they can connect with their audiences much more powerfully. Tyson’s book “Reaching Beyond Rankings: How to Use College Evaluation Systems to Find Your Dream School” helps students make sense of college rankings in conjunction with other systems to find the right school for them. Tyson Schritter holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Idaho.

Tyson writes for the Insights & Advice for Colleges Blog. You can connect with Tyson Schritter on LinkedIn.

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