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Author Profile

Truman Hudson Jr | Director of Research and Planning, City Colleges of Chicago—Richard J Daley College

Truman Hudson Jr | Director of Research and Planning, City Colleges of Chicago—Richard J Daley College

Current Position and Past Experience
Truman Hudson Jr. is currently Director of Research and Planning for Richard J. Daley College. He has 28 years’ experience in researching, designing, implementing, evaluating, and assessing public and private projects and initiatives. Hudson has served in leadership, faculty, and consultancy roles at Wayne State University, Central Michigan University, Oakland University, and University of Michigan Dearborn.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hudson earned a doctorate degree in metropolitan education from the University of Michigan, and his master’s and bachelor’s degrees in interdisciplinary studies and economics, respectively, from Wayne State University. Hudson’s scholarship and praxis focuses on stakeholders’ voices and the systems change framework.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Hudson enjoys listening to live musical ensembles, reading, and spending time with family and friends. He is a servant leader who mentors students and serves in board and advisory board leadership roles with Volunteers of America Michigan and LGBT Detroit, respectively. Additionally, Hudson has served as the Past Chair and board member of Detroit Omega Foundation, and Commissioner with the City of Detroit Parks and Recreation Department. He has co-authored 2 book chapters, and secured over $968 million in grants and contracts that were awarded by public and private entities.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review