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Tricia CK Hoffler | CEO, The CK Hoffler Firm

Tricia CK Hoffler | CEO, The CK Hoffler Firm

Current Position and Past Experience
Tricia CK Hoffler is currently CEO of The CK Hoffler Firm. Ms. Hoffler is licensed in 5 states including Georgia, Florida, Virginia, DC and Pennsylvania. To date, Ms. Hoffler has tried and/or settled cases totaling over $800 million. An accomplished attorney, Ms. Hoffler was previously a partner at Edmond, Lindsay & Hoffler, LLP and a partner at Gary, Williams et al. in Florida.

While a partner at Gary, Williams et al., she ran the commercial and international litigation practice for Willie Gary for 12 years. She is also counsel to civil rights icon Reverend Jesse Jackson and has represented him, and the Rainbow Push and related organizations for the past 30 years. Ms. Hoffler also lectures extensively on trial strategies and winning trial techniques throughout the nation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hoffler holds a Doctor of Law from Georgetown University Law Center. She also has a Applied Baccalaureate in French Language and Literature from Smith College.

You can connect with Tricia on LinkedIn

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Avoiding summer melt