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Travis Carter | Systems Manager for Continuing and Professional Education, Virginia Tech

Travis Carter | Systems Manager for Continuing and Professional Education, Virginia Tech

Current Position and Past Experience
Travis Carter is the Systems Manager for Continuing and Professional Education(CPE) at Virginia Tech. From 2015 to 2016, Carter served as an IT systems administrator for Virginia Tech’s Outreach and International Affairs while pursuing his Master’s degree. Carter also has work experience as a software test manager and high school mathematics/technology teacher.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Travis Carter earned his B.S. degree in Business Information Technology (Concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management) from Virginia Tech in 2011. In 2016, Carter earned his Master’s degree in Information Technology from Virginia Tech (Concentration in Analytics, Decision Support Systems, and Healthcare Technology).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When Carter is not working, you can find him doing something sports related. He is a die-hard Virginia Tech Hokies sports fan and has been a regular at football games for as long as he can remember (both his dad and uncle are graduates from Virginia Tech). Besides watching sports, Carter also regularly finds time to play basketball, football, tennis, and golf.

You can find Carter on LinkedIn.

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