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Tracy Mitrano | Director of Internet Culture Policy and Law, Cornell University

Tracy Mitrano | Director of Internet Culture Policy and Law, Cornell University

Current Position and Past Experience
Tracy Mitrano is currently the Director of Internet Culture Policy and Law of Cornell University. She concurrently serves as the Principal to Mitrano and Associates. She has been with Cornell University since 2001, serving as the Director of Information Technology Policy for 12 years before moving into her current role. Mitrano has also served as Consultant with the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Mitrano has been a board member for EDUCAUSE since 2003.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mitrano earned her B.A. in English and History from University of Rochester, her Ph.D. of Philosophy, American and Women’s History from State University of New York at Binghamton and her JD in Higher Education and Higher Education Administration from Cornell Law School

Mitrano can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter @tracymitrano.

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