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Tracy A. Costello | Assistant Director of Prior Learning, National Louis University

Tracy A. Costello | Assistant Director of Prior Learning, National Louis University

Current Position and Past Experience
Tracy Costello is currently Assistant Director of Prior Learning at National Louis University. She has been with the university for over 21 years. Tracy is also an adjunct faculty member, having taught in the Applied Behavioral Science and currently teaches the institution’s portfolio course, Perspectives on Prior Learning. Prior, she was Assistant Director Career Development, Internship Coordinator at North Central College for three years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Costello holds a bachelor’s degree in communication along with a Master’s degree in Education, both from the University of Wisconsin. She also is a Certified PLA counsellor from the Council on Adult and Experiential Learning.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Tracy’s most recent volunteer experiences include working with on-going community food drives as well as volunteering at a local cat shelter. In her spare time, she loves gardening, exercising and playing the flute. She also loves to travel both domestically and internationally with her most recent trips this past year to Iceland and Scotland.

You can connect with Tracy on LinkedIn

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