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Author Profile

Tracey Bridges | Technology Trainer, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Tracey Bridges | Technology Trainer, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Tracey Bridges is a Technology Trainer at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. Since joining the ITS department in 2020, she has served in multiple roles. In her current position, Tracey collaborates with faculty, staff and students to incorporate campus-supported applications into their daily workflows and leads workshops on Generative AI.

Previously, she was a Senior Software Implementation Consultant, traveling to 41 states to implement and train users on various public safety applications.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bridges holds a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Bridges lives with her spouse of 20 years and their 3 cats, on a lake in Southeast Greensboro where they love to kayak, have firepits and relax by the stars.

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