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Author Profile

Tom Dugas | Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, Duquesne University

Tom Dugas | Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, Duquesne University

Current Position and Past Experience
Tom Dugas is currently Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at Duquesne University and has been with the institution since 2016. Some his previous roles include Director of Information Security and New Initiatives and Adjunct Professor of Cybersecurity. Prior, Dugas was at Carnegie Mellon University for 11 years. He first served as Associate Director for Global IT Services before moving into the role of Associate Director and Head of Planning and Project Management. He also served as Associate Director of Client Operations.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dugas holds a Masters of Science in Communications and Information Systems, along with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Accounting and Management Information Systems from Robert Morris University.
Tom Dugas was awarded the 2023 EDUCAUSE Community Leadership Award and the 2019 Pittsburgh Technology Council CISO of the Year.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Tom is a volunteer coach for youth organizations in the Plum, PA area including baseball and basketball. He enjoys watching his children play sports and otherwise spends his time outdoors fishing and hunting.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt