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Author Profile

Tina Turnbull | Governor, Leeds City College

Tina Turnbull | Governor, Leeds City College

Current Position and Past Experience
Tina Turnbull is currently a governor of Leeds City College, one of the largest colleges in the UK, and an independent consultant.

Prior to this she was the Vice Chair of Governors at Joseph Priestley College in Leeds, the Associate Director of Skills for the Learning and Skills Network and has been both a consultant and senior manager at Lifelong Learning UK. She has also held a variety of lecturing positions at higher education institutions across the UK.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Turnbull earned her BSc in Metallurgy from the University of Leeds in 1985, where she also earned her MPhil in 1989. She earned her PGCE in post compulsory education from the University of Huddersfield in 2003 and her Diploma in Management Science from the same institution in 2011.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review