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Tim Wiseman | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Risk Management, East Carolina University

Tim Wiseman | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Risk Management, East Carolina University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2009, Tim Wiseman serves as the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Risk Management for East Carolina University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Wiseman earned his MS in National Resource Strategy from Industrial College of the Armed Forces, His MBA from Syracuse University and a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas. Wiseman is a certified Defense Financial Manager (RET) and in 2012 he earned his Associate in Risk Management – Enterprise Risk Management (ARM-E).

In the U.S. Army Wiseman served as a Finance Officer and Resource Manager for 26 years. He was Chief of Staff for the United States Army’s Cadet Command Headquarters at Fort Monroe, Virginia.

You can find out more about Tim Wiseman on URMIA 45th Annual Conference and on Twitter @timwiseman2.

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