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Author Profile

Tim Flood | Consultant, Route92 Consulting Services

Tim Flood | Consultant, Route92 Consulting Services

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 1981, Tim Flood has worked and consulted in higher education technology with firms such as Apple Computer, Stanford University and the University of Oklahoma.

Previously, Flood served as the Mobile Program Director at Stanford University, leading the creation of iStanford. Most recently, Flood led the development of a new version of iStanford that supports change-up of iStanford’s apps and content within seconds and allows Stanford campus-developers to showcase their apps for exposure and feedback.He also served as the Director of Student Affairs Information Systems at Stanford.

Education, Honors and Achievements
In 1966, Flood earned his BA in English Literature from the University of Idaho. In 1972, he earned his MA from San Francisco State University.

You can find Flood on the web through his personal website, and through Twitter @twflood.

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Corporate learning engine