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Thomas Leary | Assistant Director of Programs and Products, Strayer University

Thomas Leary | Assistant Director of Programs and Products, Strayer University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Thomas Leary currently serves Assistant Director of Programs and Products at Strayer University. Previously he worked at Southern New Hampshire University for 13 years, serving in roles such as Manager of Instructional Design Quality, Design Quality Consultant and Instructional Designer, and Program Coordinator. He has also served as an adjunct faculty member for over a decade, contributing to both the history and higher education administration programs. Prior to his current role, Dr. Leary served as an Assistant Dean, overseeing various aspects of his programs, including student performance, curriculum design, faculty development, program design and launch, and data reporting. All told, Dr. Leary is a practiced higher education professional, with a passion for providing quality educationexperiences through scholarly engagement, intentional leadership and operations, and sound learning design and assessment strategies.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Leary earned his BA and his MA in History from the University of New Hampshire. In 2017, He earned his EdD in Higher Education Administration from Northeastern University, writing his dissertation about faculty experience with student learning assessment.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of higher education, Dr. Leary enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife, Ann, and his daughter, Greer. He also is an avid reader (both fiction and non-fiction), comic/fantasy/sci-fi enthusiast, gamer, and football fan (Go Patriots!). He is also a practitioner of judo and generally enjoys training in any martial art, including boxing and Brazilian Jujitsu.

You can connect with Dr. Leary through LinkedIn.

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