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Author Profile

Terry Bower | Associate Vice President of Innovative and Lifelong Learning, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Terry Bower | Associate Vice President of Innovative and Lifelong Learning, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Current Position and Past Experience
Terry Bower is currently Associate Vice President of Innovative and Lifelong Learning at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Bower has over 20 years of experience in educational program development and evaluation, partnership engagement, business development, strategic planning, and communications.

In her current position, Bower designs and incubates new revenue-generating programs that meet community needs and build pipelines to degrees.

Prior, Bower was an Assistant Dean for Marketing and Enrollment at the University of Denver and she also served as Director of Mayor Hancock’s Denver Education Compact, a cradle-to-career initiative aimed to improve educational outcome for Denver’s kids. Originally from Washington, D.C., Bower was Communications Director for the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce and Vice President for Business Development at APCO Worldwide, a global strategic communications firm.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bower has a BA degree from Emory University and an MSW from Arizona State University.

You can connect with Terry on LinkedIn

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