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Author Profile

Tana Hicks | Senior Director of the Labor Market Intelligence Center, Dallas College

Tana Hicks | Senior Director of the Labor Market Intelligence Center, Dallas College

Current Position and Past Experience

Tana Hicks is currently Senior Director of the Labor Market Intelligence Center at Dallas College and has been with the institution since 2018. Some of her previous roles include Senior Research Analyst. She was also a Senior Research Associate at The World Food Bank. For four years, she was a professor of English at the University of North Texas, teaching World Literature, Ethnic Literature, and African American Literature.

Education, Honors and Achievements

Hicks holds a Doctor of Philosophy in African American Literature from the University of North Texas. She also has a Master of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science from Texas Tech University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement

Tana enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and son when the weather is nice. She is expecting the arrival of her daughter this Fall.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt