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Sydney Richardson | Dean of the College and Career Readiness, Forsyth Technical Community College

Sydney Richardson | Dean of the College and Career Readiness, Forsyth Technical Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Sydney Richardson is currently Dean of the College and Career Readiness at Forsyth Technical Community College. Prior, she was at Salem College for 10 years. It was there that she was Director of the Writing Center and Assistant Professor for seven years, and Dean of Adult Education for three years.

She serves on the board of Experiment in Self-Reliance and the Piedmont Triad Regional Council.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Richardson holds a Doctor in Philosophy in Educational Studies, a Graduate certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She also has a Master of Arts in English and African American Literature from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and a Graduate Certificate in Teaching Adults English as a Second Language from Walden University.

She is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success where she holds Advanced and Executive Leadership Certifications.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sydney has a passion for community service and helping make her city thrive. She is a member of the Urban Food Policy Council, helping make farming better for those living in urban areas.

You can connect with Sydney on LinkedIn, Instagram and her two blogs: and

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