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Author Profile

Sydney Goodfellow | Director of the Digital Learning Lab

Sydney Goodfellow | Director of the Digital Learning Lab

Current Position and Past Experience
Sydney Goodfellow is the Director of the Digital Learning Lab, DIGITAL’s national platform for talent and workforce development. Sydney started her career in Communications and Marketing, working at U of T’s Faculty of Engineering.

After moving to Vancouver, BC in 2015, she joined a fast-growing tech startup in the HR and talent development space. She completed TechStars Seattle in 2017, then joined BC Tech, where she led their venture accelerators and talent programs prior to joining DIGITAL in 2019.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sydney Goodfellow holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, Honors with Distinction, in English Literature from Queen’s University where she was coach of the Recreational Sailing Team and sailed for the Varsity Sailing Team. Sydney won several academic awards, including Varsity Allstar.

Equity, diversity and inclusion in STEAM has long been important to Sydney. In 2015, she was part of the Communications team that won the Silver Leaf Awards Award of Excellence - Communications Management, issued by the International Association of Business Communicators, for a campaign to attract more women to undergraduate engineering programs at the University of Toronto and diversify the engineering profession.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Sydney has served as a volunteer Board Director at Food Banks BC for over two years. She enjoys horseback riding, baking every chocolate chip cookie recipe on the internet, and going for long walks with her partner and their dog on BC’s Sunshine Coast, where she currently lives.

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Driving student success