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Steve Robinson | President, Owens Community College

Steve Robinson | President, Owens Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Steve Robinson is the 7th President of Owens Community College in Toledo and Findlay, Ohio, where he previously served as Vice President of Academic Affairs and then Provost. Before joining Owens, Robinson served as Executive Dean of Planning, Research and Quality at Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan. At four-year higher education institutions, he served as a member of the graduate faculty in English at the University of Michigan-Flint. He also served as a chair and faculty advisor in the Doctorate in Community College Leadership (DCCL) program at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan, as well as the Doctoral Program in Higher Education at the University of Toledo.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Steve Robinson holds a Ph.D. in English from Michigan State University, where he also earned a B.A. and M.A. in the same subject. His master's degree is specifically in English Community College Teaching. Prior to becoming an administrator, he spent fifteen years as a community college faculty member. He is a graduate of the Chair Academy for Leadership and Development, the Harvard Management Development Program (MDP), as well as the Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence. Robinson is the creator of the #EndCCStigma social media campaign and host of the End Community College Stigma Podcast.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Robinson serves as the Treasurer of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges and sits on the boards of numerous service clubs and economic development groups, including the ProMedica Health System Community Board, the Regional Growth Partnership Board, and Raise the Bar Hancock County. A state-wide leader in higher education and transfer issues, Robinson also serves on the Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways Steering Committee.

You can connect with Steve on LinkedIn or Twitter

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Avoiding summer melt