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Author Profile

Steve Pratt | Head of Engineering, Cytiva Vancouver

Steve Pratt | Head of Engineering, Cytiva Vancouver

Current Position and Past Experience
Steve Pratt is currently Head of Engineering at Cytiva Vancouver. Prior, he was previously Director of Engineering at Alpha Technologies Inc for 10 years. Prior roles include Chief Operations Officer at Gecko Energy Technologies (Millennium Cell) and Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Motorola.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Steve holds Bachelor and Master of Engineering degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. He is a licensed Professional Engineer, Motorola and ASQ certified Six Sigma Blackbelt, and a holder of over 40 patents.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Steve enjoys coaching field and box lacrosse, spending time with his wife and six children, and striving to be a better cook.

You can connect with Steve on LinkedIn

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