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Author Profile

Stanley Wearden | Provost and Senior Vice President, Columbia College-Chicago

Stanley Wearden | Provost and Senior Vice President, Columbia College-Chicago

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Stanley Wearden currently serves as the Senior Vice President and Provost of Columbia College Chicago. This followed 20 years as a Faculty Member at Kent State University, where he served as an Administrator and then as Director of the School of Communication Studies. Earlier on, Wearden was appointed the Dean of the College of Communication and Information.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Wearden earned his BA in English from Wheeling Jesuit University, his MSJ in Journalism from West Virginia University, and his PhD in Mass Communication Research from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his private life, Wearden enjoys spending time with his family, reading, various outdoor activities, and volunteer work.

You can connect with Stanley Wearden via LinkedIn and on Twitter @stan_wearden.

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