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Shelley Osborne | Vice President of Learning, Udemy

Shelley Osborne | Vice President of Learning, Udemy

Current Position and Past Experience
Shelley Osborne is currently the Vice President of learning at Udemy. Previously, she was the Head of Learning and Development for two years at the same company. Prior to Udemy, Osborne was the vice president of learning and development at Farside HR solutions, where she specialized in talent leadership, management training and soft skills development in the startup space. She also taught Spanish and English for eight years at Sturgeon School Division.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Osborne holds a Master of Education, graduate diploma, instructional leadership and graduate certificate in language and diversity all from the University of Calgary. She also has a Bachelor of Education in Spanish and Social Studies from the University of Alberta.

You can connect with Shelley Osborne on LinkedIn

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Corporate learning engine