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Author Profile

Sheila Quirk-Bailey | President, Illinois Central College

Sheila Quirk-Bailey | President, Illinois Central College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey is the President of Illinois Central College, a role she has held since 2016. Previously, she was the Chief of Staff and Vice President of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness at Harper College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Quirk-Bailey earned her DMgt in Community College Policy and Administration from the University of Maryland Global Campus. She also has an MA in Communications from Northern Illinois University, and a BS in Communications and Business Administration from Bradley University. ICC earned the prestigious Association of Community College Trustees coveted national Charles Kennedy Community College Equity Award for 2020.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sheila is passionate about helping all students be more successful, when not focused on that, you will probably find her listening to live music and/or enjoying a glass of red wine wherever her travels have taken her.

You can connect with Sheila Quirk-Bailey on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed