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Shawntel Landry | President, American College of Education

Shawntel Landry | President, American College of Education

Current Position and Past Experience
Shawntel Landry is the President of American College of Education, where she has served as faculty member and administrator since 2009. Prior to taking on her current role, she served as Provost for 4 years. An advocate for student-first approaches to scalable operations and programming, led the college through development of a new mission, vision, and strategic plan, began programming in multiple disciplines, and guided the college to become the first company in Indiana that is both a Certified B Corp and a Benefit Corporation. She also worked as a Researcher and Project Manager at Southern Methodist University. Landry taught grades 3-8 for five years in gifted and talented programs, after which she worked as a curriculum writer and editor for Voyager Expanded Learning.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Shawntel Landry holds a Bachelor of Elementary Education from University of Louisiana at Lafayette, an M.B.A. from Texas Christian University, a master’s in gifted education from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, and doctorate in educational leadership from Texas Christian University. She has completed executive education programs at Harvard University and The Wharton School.

Under her leadership, the American College of Education has won several state awards for Best Places to Work and national awards for workplace flexibility.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In her free time, Landry loves to cook, read, and create photo books. She has served as a board member for volunteer organizations at her children’s schools and has a passion for travel.

You can connect with Shawntel Landry on LinkedIn. LinkedIn.

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