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Author Profile

Sean Pitzer | Associate Director of Graduate Admissions, St. Cloud State University

Sean Pitzer | Associate Director of Graduate Admissions, St. Cloud State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Sean Pitzer is currently Associate Director of Graduate Admissions at St. Cloud State University, overseeing the marketing and recruitment activities, and application submission and review processes for 60+ graduate programs. Prior, he was at the University of Kansas for eight years. Some of his roles included Assistant Director of Enrollment Management Services and Scholarship Coordinator. He was also Assistant Director of Annual Giving at the University of Memphis.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Pitzer holds a Master of Business Administration, concentrating in International Business and Strategic Management from the University of Kansas, and a Bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship from Washington State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sean enjoys many activities, including coaching youth baseball, playing golf poorly, fishing, hiking, and trying to keep up with two very busy children.

You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt