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Scott Silverman | Interim Dean of Noncredit and External Program, Santa Monica College

Scott Silverman | Interim Dean of Noncredit and External Program, Santa Monica College

Current Position and Past Experience
Scott Silverman is currently Interim Dean of Noncredit and External Program at Santa Monica College. Previously, he was Associate Dean. Prior to Santa Monica, he was Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Life at California Lutheran University. He was also at the University of California, Riverside for nine years. Some of his roles there included Associate Director of Students Affairs, Coordinator of CNAS Freshman Scholars Learning Communities, and Coordinator of Orientation Programs. He has worked in Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Silverman earned a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from the University of Southern California in 2007, researching the Effects of Social Media on College Student Experiences. His research was recognized in 2008 by NODA, the Association for Orientation, Transition and Retention in Higher Education as the Outstansing Research Award. His research has been cited many times, and he has been interviewed for many newspapers and websites about that research. He also has a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of California, Riverside.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Scott is actively writing children’s literature, mostly picture books. This work was inspired by some of his earliest writing that he found and read to his newboarn daughter when she was born premature and endured 9+ weeks in the NICU. He continues to write, is an avid reader, has a passing interest in performing magic and stand-up comedy, though he admits his proficiency in either needs a lot of work.

You can connect with Scott on LinkedIn and Twitter

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