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Author Profile

Sandy Nelson | Business Analyst and Team Lead in Academic Support Resources-IT, University of Minnesota

Sandy Nelson | Business Analyst and Team Lead in Academic Support Resources-IT, University of Minnesota

Current Position and Past Experience
Sandy Nelson is a Business Analyst and Team Lead in Academic Support Resources- IT at the University of Minnesota. Prior to this, Sandy spent 20 years at IBM as a Software Engineer specializing in Technical Support and Training.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sandy has an Associate of Arts and Sciences degree in Computer Science from Western Wisconsin Technical College. She also received a Business Analysis Certificate from University of Minnesota in 2015.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sandy enjoys spending time with friends and family, reading, and traveling. She has volunteered and participated in fundraising events for the Alzheimer's Association Minnesota-North Dakota Chapter.

You can connect with Sandy Nelson on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt