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Author Profile

Sandra Kurtinitis | President, Community College of Baltimore County

Sandra Kurtinitis | President, Community College of Baltimore County

Current Position and Past Experience
Sandra Kurtinitis is the President of the Community College of Baltimore City, a position she has held since 2005. An experienced and respected educator, administrator and author, she has been a community college professional for more than 50 years.

Her community college career started at Prince George’s Community College (Md.) as an English professor and she steadily moved up the ranks. She then moved to Massachusetts to serve as s Dean of Academic Affairs at Berkshire Community College (Mass.) which was followed by a presidency at Quinsigamond Community College where she led that institution for 10 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
President Kurtinitis holds a bachelor’s in British Literature from College Misericordia (Pa.), a master’s in British Literature from University of Maryland, College Park and a doctorate in American Civilization from George Washington University (DC).

She has been honoured with many awards throughout her career, including:

  • Maryland Daily Record’s Most Admired CEO (2018)
  • Maryland Daily Record’s Icon Award (2018)
  • Chesapeake Gateway Chamber’s Hall of Fame (2018)
  • Shirley G. Cordon Award of Distinction (2017)
  • Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce Business Hall of Fame Inductee (2015)

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sandra Kurtinitis is the past chair of the American Association of Community Colleges board of directors where she has held membership since 2015. She also serves on the Boards of Directors of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges and the Community College Humanities Association. As a community college president, she recognizes the value of strong community partnerships and has held memberships or served on boards for the Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore, the Greater Baltimore Committee and the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board.

In her spare time she enjoys hiking, traveling and experiencing the vast cultural events that Baltimore offers.

You can connect with Sandra Kurtinitis on Twitter @DrK_CCBC.

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