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Sammi Morrill | Associate Vice Chancellor of Operations, Economic and Workforce Development, Alamo Colleges District

Sammi Morrill | Associate Vice Chancellor of Operations, Economic and Workforce Development, Alamo Colleges District

Current Position and Past Experience
Sammi Morrill, Ph.D. is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Economic and Workforce Development, Alamo Colleges District. In this role, Dr. Morrill supports overall operations for the department and is principally responsible for the leadership of seven regional education and training centers, the Alamo Academies, and a broad portfolio of workforce and adult education and literacy grant programs.

She has extensive adult education and training experience from her 16-plus years with the U.S. Air Force, managing large scale, critical skill training programs in aerospace, healthcare, and technical fields. As a senior civil administrator within HQ Air Education and Training Command and at the School of Aerospace Medicine, she worked in concert with the Community College of the Air Force.

Education, Honors and Achievements
She earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education and Higher Education Administration from the University of Texas at Austin. She also has both a Master of Arts in Human Resource Development and a Bachelor of Science in Life and Earth Sciences from Midwestern State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Morrill represents Education on the Board of Directors for Workforce Solutions Alamo and serves on the Schertz Economic Development Corporation. She is an avid reader, enjoys going to the movies, and is always looking for recommendations for a new binge-worthy series.

You can connect with Sammi Morrill on LinkedIn

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