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Sally McRorie | Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Florida State University

Sally McRorie | Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Florida State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Sally McRorie currently serves as Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at Florida State University. For ten years, McRorie was the Dean for the College of Visual Arts, Theatre and Dance at FSU. In that role, she oversaw FSU’s top ranked School of Dance, School of Theatre and School of Art & Design, as well as its internationally recognized Ringling Museum of Art complex in Sarasota, FL. Before working at Florida State University, McRorie served as Chair of Art and Design at Purdue University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McRorie earned her Ph.D. in Art Education and Aesthetics from the University of Kansas. She has served on the boards of the National Association of Schools of Art & Design, the International Council of Fine Arts Deans and the National Council of Arts Administrators, including two terms as president. She received the Manuel Barkan Award for Outstanding Scholarly Paper, Mary Rouse Award, Florida and Indiana Higher Education Art Educator of the Year awards, and the FSU University Teaching Award.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
I love to explore the ‘real’ Florida with all its quirks and beautiful places, from a kayak or a hiking trail. Nature’s lessons of challenge, diversity and resilience shape all I do as an academic leader and community member.

You can connect with Sally McRorie on LinkedIn.

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