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Author Profile

Ryan Todt | Former Headmaster, Faith Christian School

Ryan Todt | Former Headmaster, Faith Christian School

Current Position and Past Experience
Ryan Todt was an administrator at Faith Christian School of Anniston from 2007-2012, serving for three years as Assistant headmaster and one year as headmaster while retaining assistant headmaster duties.

From 2003-2007 Ryan W. Todt was a member of faculty in the Bible Department of Harvester Christian Academy. Ryan W. Todt is a former Teaching Center Manager and Software Instructor as well, working with CED Solutions for one year.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ryan W. Todt earned his BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from Covenant College in 1995. In 2010, he earned his MEd in Educational Leadership also from Covenant College.

Ryan W. Todt has presented several times at professional conferences.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Ryan W. Todt has been kept very busy with his work but has managed to be on the board of his local pool association and participate in local county education groups for principals and superintendents. Recently, he participated in the Chevrolet Fireballrun Adventurally, which is a nationwide live action filmed event to search for missing children across the United States.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review