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Author Profile

Ryan Ivers | Goal Lead, Southern New Hampshire University

Ryan Ivers | Goal Lead, Southern New Hampshire University

Current Position and Past Experience
Ryan Ivers is a higher education leader reimagining and redesigning the higher education academic learning and student experience in his current position as a Goal Lead, a manager level position in CBE assessment leading faculty teams to excellence and maximizing the likelihood of learner success in high-quality CBE programs, at Southern New Hampshire University, and has been with the school for eight years. Ivers has 20 years leadership and management experience in a range of industries and education sectors; including 13-years successful higher education leadership, five of which are in competency-based education at Southern New Hampshire University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ivers is currently finishing a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership from Northeastern University where his research interests include online learning, workforce education, competency-based education, scaling education solutions, student and learner experience, innovative learning models, and equity in higher education. He also holds a Master’s in Management from Kaplan University, and a Bachelor in Psychology from Central Connecticut State University. Ivers is recent winner of leadership and service awards from Southern New Hampshire University and was a 2017 and 2019 presenter at the CBExchange conference

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his limited spare time as the dad of a toddler and Ed.D. student, Ivers loves to leave city life in Charlotte, NC for a hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains, spend time with his family, and is a lover of all things Beatles, Nirvana, and New England sports.

You can connect with Ryan on LinkedIn and Twitter

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