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Roxanne Gonzales | Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, New Mexico Highlands University

Roxanne Gonzales | Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, New Mexico Highlands University

Current Position and Past Experience
Roxanne M. Gonzales is currently Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at New Mexico Highlands University and has been in this position since 2017. Prior, she was at Clarion University serving as Executive Dean of Venango College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gonzales holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration from the University of Massachussetts.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
She is passionate about the treatment of animals and sit on the Board of Directors for the Animal Welfare Coalition of Northeastern New Mexico. She loves to cook, fish, and hike the lands of New Mexico. She also has two grown sons of whom she is remarkably proud but the best job she’s have ever had is that of abuela to Aidan and Alex!

You can connect with Roxanne on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt