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Ron Severtis Jr. | Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Indiana University Southeast

Ron Severtis Jr. | Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Indiana University Southeast

Current Position and Past Experience
Ron Severtis Jr. began at Indiana University Southeast in 2010 and is now Director of institutional Effectiveness, a position he has held since January 2016. His primary management duties include accreditation, academic and co-curricular assessment, strategic planning, enrollment management, survey administration, and data and analysis. Prior to this, Severtis Jr. served as Assistant Director of Institutional Research and as an Assessment and Research Specialist at Indiana University Southeast, where he managed the programmatic and general education assessment processes to create a culture of systematic, organic and sustainable assessment. He began his assessment career at The Ohio State University first as a graduate assistant and then as a full-time Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Severtis Jr. holds an M.A. in Sociology and a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Akron, and a Graduate Certificate in Institutional Research from Indiana University. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in higher education in the Higher Education and Student Affairs program at Indiana University. He taught Sociology at The Ohio State University as a graduate student.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Severtis Jr. enjoys running and golfing, cooking, coffee and bourbon tasting. He currently resides in Jeffersonville, Indiana.

You can connect with Ron Severtis Jr. on LinkedIn. Severtis Jr. has published in the Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, has been quoted in University Business and has a forthcoming co-authored publication in the Journal of College Student Retention. The Indiana University Southeast Office of Institutional Effectiveness tweets regularly from @IUS_DataTeam.

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