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Rod Parks | University Registrar, Assistant Vice President, and Assistant Professor, Elon University

Rod Parks | University Registrar, Assistant Vice President, and Assistant Professor, Elon University

Current Position and Past Experience
Rodney Parks is University Registrar, Assistant Vice President, and Assistant Professor of Wellness at Elon University, a position he has held for nearly a decade.

Previously, Parks was a Senior Associate Registrar at UGA for almost 12 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Parks has a Ph.D. in Counselling and Student Personnel from the University of Georgia, as well as an MA in Applied Sociology from Old Dominion University. Parks also holds an MSW from the University of Georgia.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Each year Parks teaches a Core Capstone Course at Elon titled Wilderness & Adventure Therapy where he takes students to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro. Connect
Parks is a prolific writer of journal articles and book chapters in his work with the Association of Collegiate Registrar’s and Admissions Officers.

You can connect with Rodney Parks on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt