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Roberta Hyland | Chief of Staff, National Student Clearinghouse

Roberta Hyland | Chief of Staff, National Student Clearinghouse

Current Position and Past Experience
Roberta Hyland currently serves as the Chief of Staff at the National Student Clearinghouse. She has been with the NSC since 1997 serving in a range of roles, including Supervisor of Customer Service and Manager of Member Relations. She has served as the Assistant Vice President of a number of departments, like Industry Relation, Government Relations, Financial Aid Services, and Research Operations and Internationals Development.

From 2007-2012, Roberta was an Adjunct Instructor for graduate level classes in the Higher Education program at Drexel University. Roberta also has written two published works: Resolved: The use of the state’s power of eminent domain to promote private enterprise in unjust and Ensuring Access to and Success in Postsecondary Education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hyland earned her B.A. in International Studies from Muhlenberg College and her M.S. in Higher Education with concentration in Enrollment Management from Drexel University. Hyland has completed coursework toward an Ed. D in Education from Northeastern University.

In 2009, Hyland won the award of Drexel Outstanding Alumni Educator Award from Drexel University. Hyland has also been recognized for her contributions to the high school speech and debate community in Virginia and the Washington, DC metro area.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Roberta volunteers her time to her community as the President of Washington Arlington Catholic Forensic League and the National Catholic Forensic League.

You can connect with Roberta Hyland via LinkedIn.

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