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Robert Starks Jr. | Vice President of Learning Initiatives, MaxKnowledge Inc

Robert Starks Jr. | Vice President of Learning Initiatives, MaxKnowledge Inc

Current Position and Past Experience
Robert Starks Jr. is currently the Vice President of Learning Initiatives at MaxKnowledge Inc. Until January 2012, he was the Director of Career Services and an Alumni Relations Champion at Collins College, where he started out as a Senior Career Advisor. He also held the post of Associate Director of Training and Development before reaching his current post.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Starks Jr. earned his BSc in marketing from Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business. In 2011 he earned his MSc in Management from Colorado Technical University.

You can find Starks Jr. on Twitter @RobertStarksJr and through his blog, Career Tipster.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine