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Author Profile

Robert Lee Gordon | Program Director for Reverse Logistics Management, American Public University

Robert Lee Gordon | Program Director for Reverse Logistics Management, American Public University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2011, Robert Lee Gordon has served as the Director of the Reverse Logistics Management Program as well as a Professor at American Public University. Since 2004, he has concurrently served as a visiting professor with DeVry University’s Keller Graduate School of Management.

Prior to his role at APU, Dr. Gordon served as the Manager of Crewing and Purchasing with Seabulk Tankers. This followed four years as Director of Purchasing and Logistics with ResidenSea. Dr. Gordon also held similar roles with Oakworks, Steiner Leisure Ltd, Ocean Development Company, Disney Cruise Line and Crystal Cruises. Throughout his career, he has been involved with the launch of fourteen different cruise ships and one U.S. flagged petroleum tanker.

Dr. Gordon is the author of three books, Program Management and Complexity, The Virtual Project Management Office: Best Practices, Proven Methods and Complexity Theory and Project Management.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gordon earned his BA from UCLA. He earned both his MBA and Doctorate of Management from the University of Phoenix. He recently earned a Graduate Certificate in IT Project Management from APUS.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Gordon has a passion for travel and has visited over 45 different nations and frequently posts travel tips on Trip Advisor. He participates locally with Relay for Life as well as with numerous other local charity runs.

Dr. Gordon has a blog with DC Velocity called The Two Sides of the Logistics Coin. He is active on LinkedIn . and hosts the LinkedIn group AMU & APU Transportation and Logistics Management Program.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review