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Author Profile

Risa Dickson | Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Hawaii System

Risa Dickson | Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Hawaii System

Current Position and Past Experience
Risa Dickson is the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Hawaii System. For 24 years Dickson was part of the California State University faculty, starting out as Chair of the Department of Communication Studies and then moving into a variety of roles including Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Letters, Executive Assistant to the President and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. Dickson is an American Council on Education Fellow and a Member of the ACE Council of Fellows Professional Development Committee.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dickson earned her BA in Communication Theory from California State University. Dickson earned her Master’s in Communication and her PhD in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication from the University of Southern California.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Hiking. Yoga. Baking. Spending time with Friends and good wine. Walk for causes such as ALS and Breast Cancer.

You can learn more about Risa Dickson via LinkedIn and on the University of Hawaii website.

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