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Author Profile

Ricky Tompkins | Vice President of Learning and Chief Academic Officer, NorthWest Arkansas Community College

Ricky Tompkins | Vice President of Learning and Chief Academic Officer, NorthWest Arkansas Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Ricky Tompkins is currently the Vice President of Learning and Chief Academic Officer at NorthWest Arkansas Community College. Prior, he was the founder and CEO of Tompkins Leadership and Services. In addition, Tompkins was Associate Vice President, Grants and Institutional Research at NorthWest Arkansas Community College for five years and served as Director of NWACC’s Institute for Corporate and Public Safety, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security training program focusing on community preparedness and public/private partnership and relationships during crisis events.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tompkins holds an MLA in English from Henderson State University, as well as an Ed.D. in Higher Education from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
On a personal note, Ricky enjoys spending time with his wife and son traveling, biking, and watching movies. He is also a runner, having completed multiple 5ks, 10ks, and half marathons.

You can connect with Ricky on LinkedIn

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