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Richard Sluder | Vice Provost for Student Success, Middle Tennessee State University

Richard Sluder | Vice Provost for Student Success, Middle Tennessee State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Richard Sluder currently serves as the Vice Provost for Student Success and Dean of University College at Middle Tennessee State University. Prior to joining the Middle Tennessee State University staff, Sluder was the Vice Provost for Recruitment and Outreach at the University of Central Missouri. Sluder served in several other roles at the University of Central Missouri including a Professor for 22 years, Associate Dean and Dean for the College of Education and the College of Health and Human Services.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sluder earned his BS in Criminal Justice and his MA in Human Resource Management from Truman State University. In 1991, Sluder earned his PhD in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University.

You can connect with Richard Sluder through LinkedIn.

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