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Richard Rush | Director of Program and Business Development, University of Victoria

Richard Rush | Director of Program and Business Development, University of Victoria

Current Position and Past Experience
Richard Rush is the Director of Program and Business Development at the University of Victoria and leads strategic initiatives to advance divisional priorities, promote program and business growth, and foster a culture of quality learning and data-driven decisions. Prior to this, he was the Director of SAIT Polytechnic’s Centre for Instructional Technology and Development (or CITD), a unit that collaboratively supports the institution through faculty development, curriculum development and learning technology support. He also served as the chair of three key institutional committees at SAIT: the Curriculum Council, the Sustainability Steering Committee and the e-Learning Steering Committee.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Richard Rush holds a Diploma in Nuclear Medicine Technology, a Bachelor of Education, and both the Master and Doctor of Business Administration designations. He has also completed post-graduate work at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Higher Education leadership.

You can connect with Richard Rush on LinkedIn.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed