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Richard Hudnett | Assistant Director of Program Development and Recruitment, Nova Southeastern University

Richard Hudnett | Assistant Director of Program Development and Recruitment, Nova Southeastern University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Hudnett is currently the Assistant Director for Nova Southeastern University’s Orlando campus and an Adjunct Professor at Everglades University, Eastern Gateway Community College, Neumann University, and Unity College. Moreover, his business consulting and coaching business is Forward Thinking LLC.

Dr. Hudnett has a wide range of professional experience prior to entering higher education where he has worked in numerous roles—across management, sales and marketing—at a number of Fortune 500 companies including UPS, DHL Express, Reebok, Ecolab and Walt Disney World.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Hudnett earned his B.S. in Business Management with a concentration in Human Resource Management from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He then went on to earn his MBA and Doctoral degree in Education from Nova Southeastern University. Following that, he earned a graduate certificate in Marketing and an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Organizational Leadership.

His doctoral dissertation was focused on better understanding students who are admitted to an institution but choose not to matriculate, called Understanding the Admissions Experience of Admitted Students Who Fail to Enroll: A Multiple Case Study.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Hudnett’s number one personal interest and hobby is spending time with his family. His wife Alicia and him have two daughters (Kinsley & Chloe) and two boys (Hunter & Preston) that truly are his joy and inspiration in life.

You can connect with Richard Hudnett on LinkedIn.

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