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René Cintrón | Chief Education and Training Officer, Louisiana Community and Technical College System

René Cintrón | Chief Education and Training Officer, Louisiana Community and Technical College System

Current Position and Past Experience
René Cintrón is currently the Chief Education and Training Officer at the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS), a public, multi-institution system serving a diverse student population seeking workforce development training, academic programs of study, and the high school equivalency. In this role, he provides direct statewide leadership in academic affairs, adult education, institutional effectiveness, manufacturing extension, student services, and workforce development. He has been with LCTCS since 2015 serving in various roles including Chief Academic Affairs Officer and Executive Director of Education and Research.

Prior to LCTCS, René held various positions at Delgado Community College in New Orleans, LA (one of the LCTCS institutions) including Executive Director of Planning and Research, Assistant Dean of Business and Technology, and Instructor of Business. Dr. Cintrón began his professional career working with Habitat for Humanity in such roles as family services coordinator culminating as a resource development manager. He served in the U.S. Air Force in Emergency Management. Through a variety of private and public institutions he has engaged in curriculum development and teaching in military, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate level; in-person, online, and blended environments, most recently as an adjunct faculty in the Doctor of Education in Adult Learning and Development program at Northwestern State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Cintrón holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Organization and Management from Capella University and completed his Associate of Applied Science from the Community College of the Air Force that same year as his PhD. He also has a Master of Business Administration in Management from American InterContinental University, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of West Alabama.

He has placed focus on accelerating the student experience from pre-application to post-graduation with tools leading students to achieving their educational goals in a timely manner, such as data exchange, short-term credentials, compressed programs, prior learning assessment, and co-requisite scheduling. These and other efforts led to an LCTCS record-breaking graduating class from 19,810 in 2014 to 33,428 in 2020 encompassing a significant growth in short term credentials and certificates. This record-breaking class of 2020 comprised a 7% increase in minority students graduating, primarily of African American and Hispanic backgrounds.

Dr. Cintrón’s published works include “One Size Fits None” in Hybrid-Flexible Course Design, “Accelerating Remedial Math Education” in New Directions for Community Colleges, “Purposeful Course Scheduling: Increasing Enrollment and Promoting Academic Progression” in Accelerated Opportunity Education Models and Practices, and “Preparing Students for Online Education: A Case Study of a Readiness Module” in the Journal of Online Education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
René is first and foremost, a dad of three adult daughters. He enjoys time with his family and friends as well as cooking, reading, exercing, traveling, and volunteering with Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana, the Louisiana Region of the American Red Cross, and Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity. He serves in the Mentoring Program Committee of the New Orleans Hispanic Heritage Foundation and sits on the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Educational Technology Services. He is also an active member of Northshore Toastmasters.

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