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Rahul Choudaha | Executive Vice President of Global Engagement, Research and Intelligence, Studyportals

Rahul Choudaha | Executive Vice President of Global Engagement, Research and Intelligence, Studyportals

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Rahul Choudaha is Executive Vice President of Global Engagement, Research and Intelligence at Studyportals. Operating out of San Francisco Bay Area, Choudaha furthers Studyportals’ strategic partnerships and relationships with higher education institutions, professional associations, and related stakeholders on the foundations of research and intelligence.

Choudaha brings his expertise as a global higher education strategist to bear in studying international student mobility trends and their implications for global engagement and enrollment strategies. For over a decade, Choudaha has advocated for future-oriented, data-informed internationalization strategies through presentations, consultations, and publications.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Choudaha holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Denver. He attained a Master’s in Business Management from the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai and a Bachelor’s in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Jabalpur Engineering College.

Choudaha is an elected member of the General Council of the European Association of International Higher Educators (EAIE). He previously served on the Chair-stream of International Education Leadership Knowledge Community of NAFSA: Association of International Education.

You can connect with Rahul Choudaha on LinkedIn. He blogs and tweets as DrEducation.

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